's works
M'a Traha P'e, M'a Trah'é
Money is often what defines if what you're doing is work or just "relaxing". In the sense of: If you have something you like to do, if you get paid for it, it’s work. If you don’t get paid for it, it’s just a hobby. Based on this belief I wanted to create a new
kind of money that challenges the concept of value: The Neo-Currency. Therefore, I embroidered four different banknotes based on the ones of Curaçao. Each one is the exact same size as those from Curaçao. However, their appearance is not the same. I added my personal touch and made them even more colorful. Each banknote took 6 hours to embroider. By combining the use of inexpensive materials, the amount of labor and energy to create these banknotes, friction was created between what is valuable and valueless.

This work was part of the 'Bo'i Palu' exhibition at Het Wilde Weten, Rotterdam.
The exhibition was curated by Priscila Fernandes with the goal to exhibit works and reflections about the dichotomies between leisure and
25 Florin
Embroidery on paper and textile
15 x 7 cm

10 Florin
Embroidery on paper and textile
15 x 7 cm

50 Florin
Embroidery on paper and textile
15 x 7 cm

100 Florin
Embroidery on paper and textile
15 x 7 cm

Goretti Pombo
*I worked for it, I made it*
The Neo-Currency banknotes were printed and used as currency during the exhibition. If visitors wanted to buy something at the bar, they had to exchange their money for the Neo-Currency.